Water Filtration

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Atlanta's water supply, sourced primarily from the Chattahoochee River, may sometimes have a distinct taste or odor due to the presence of chlorine, sediment, or organic compounds. By installing a water filtration system, residents can enjoy cleaner and better-tasting water. The carbon filters commonly used in filtration systems effectively reduce chlorine and its associated taste and odor, resulting in a more pleasant drinking experience. Additionally, these filters can eliminate or reduce the presence of other odor-causing compounds, ensuring that the water not only tastes better but also smells fresher.

Carbon Filters

Carbon filters are widely used in water filtration systems due to their effectiveness in removing impurities and improving water quality.

  • Removal of Chemical Contaminants: Carbon filters are highly efficient at removing chemical contaminants from water. They can effectively reduce or eliminate common pollutants such as chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals. These chemicals can affect the taste, odor, and overall quality of water. By using carbon filters, you can enjoy cleaner and better-tasting water.
  • Reduction of Chlorine and Chloramine: Chlorine and chloramine are commonly used disinfectants in water treatment facilities to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. However, they can leave a strong odor and taste in the water. Carbon filters excel at removing chlorine and chloramine, significantly improving the taste and odor of tap water. This makes it more pleasant to drink and use for cooking and other purposes.

Water Treatment Carbon Filter

Removal of Contaminants

While Atlanta's municipal water treatment plants work diligently to provide safe drinking water, there is always a possibility of trace amounts of contaminants present in the water supply. A water filtration system with carbon filters can effectively remove or reduce various impurities, including chemicals, pesticides, industrial pollutants, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This added layer of filtration can provide peace of mind to residents, particularly those concerned about potential contaminants in their tap water. Moreover, families with vulnerable individuals, such as young children or individuals with compromised immune systems, can benefit from the additional assurance of cleaner water.

Water Filtration Environmental Benefits
Environmental Benefits

By using a water filtration system, you can reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by bottled water consumption. Additionally, a filtration system can help reduce the amount of water that is wasted due to the need to flush pipes of sediment and mineral buildup.

Water Filtration Cost Savings
Cost Savings

A water filtration system can help you save money in the long run by reducing the need to purchase bottled water or replace appliances that have been damaged by hard water or mineral buildup.

Water Softeners

Having a water filtration system in your home provides convenient access to clean, safe water without the need to constantly purchase and transport bottled water. This can be especially beneficial for busy households or those with mobility issues.


By investing in a water filtration system, residents of Atlanta can enjoy the advantages of improved taste, odor reduction, and the removal of potential contaminants. It allows individuals to have greater control over the quality of their drinking water and promotes a healthier and more enjoyable water consumption experience for households and businesses alike.

Clean Water Atlanta
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